Heather Ella has been featured in . . .

Discover My featured Journey: A collection of my highlights as a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master, showcasing the impact of my work with Sound, Reiki and Akashic energy.

I can’t wait for you to learn more about me and my offerings.


Subscribe to experience the healing power of sound baths. Tune in for serene sessions with my 528Hz bowls, designed to help you relax and destress. Grab some headphones, an eye mask, a quiet spot and relax.

Soul Aligned CEO Podcast

On the podcast, I talked about growing up in a family business, raising four children, and how I found my passion in sound healing. Listen in for my story of transformation and discovery.

Bold Journey: Finding and Living with purpose

In the article, I talk about finding my purpose and share my journey, focusing on three key qualities: confidence, flexibility, and determination. Learn how these have shaped my path and led me to where I am today.

Canvas Rebel: Insights & Stories

In this article I share stories of being a new business owner and different struggles I had to over come.

Upon awakening, let the words “Thank YOU” flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion.

Wayne Dyer